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Book Review: Born to Blog by Mark Schaefer and Stanford Smith


Born to Blog:  Building Your Blog for Personal and Business Success One Post at a Time by Mark W. Schaeffer and Stanford A. Smith is the last book I’ve finished reading and the third book about blogging I’ve read.  I’m not sure if it’s helping or not, but I want to do a quick book review on it anyways for you in case you want to pick it up and give it a try.  It’s in paperback and available online or in most major book stores.  The book is published by McGraw-Hill and in 2013.  I liked this book because at 165 pages and in paperback, it was easy to take along with me and allowed me to read it as needed, easy to throw in a backpack and use as a beach read.  The book goes from newbie to expert with good blogging information and short inspirational stories meant to illustrate the main points.  The unique nature of this particular book is that the last few chapters specifically focus on creating blogs for business purposes, starting a blog within an existing business or using a blog as part of a marketing program for particular products within a market segment.  This is particularly unique,,,as it illustrates that blogs have strong potential in the business world to act as vehicles of commerce, to explain a particular business in laymen terms and give the business the ability to interact with their customers directly, without that kitschy marketing feel.  I think once the blogging voice of the business develops that smarmy marketing feel, it’s time to look at perhaps retooling it to tell the customer in the most simple terms what the business or product is all about,,,to tell the story.  If you have never considered the potential of a blog in your business, this book might be a good start.  You can reach directly into customers computers with a blog without seeming like a marketing threat to explain and educate on niche markets and products, let them see how it’s used or explain your team’s approach to problem solving within a larger company.

As explained by this book, blogs can be used for lots of purposes:  maybe you’re a doctor and you want to explain by vaccinations are important or you’re a new microbrewery and you want to explain the reasons behind your new batch of beer or you want to get on here and do reviews of the boats you’ve been on (like me),,,there’s all sorts of ways to use this platform.  So, for $10 it’s an informative and quick read.

In the link below, you can check out the other two books I’ve read about blogging.


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