Retired after 20 years of working for someone else means I'm now free to start working for myself and my family.

I retired.  This was kind of a large milestone toward us leaving for our own extended sailing and cruising adventure, so now it’s done.   Did you know that most folks entering the work force today are not even given the opportunity for retirement, since most companies don’t even offer it anymore?  Most folks work for 5-7 different companies and it’s EXPECTED that they will quit and be rehired somewhere else to get more money, status or a job promotion.  I never knew that and never cared to do it.  Now that I’m retired after working for someone else for 20 years,,,I want to be work harder for myself and my family,,,,as my own small business.  I’m retired and ok with that.  I haven’t tried to get another job because I’m content to work on own my boat prepping it for extended cruising, take care of my kids and Quincy the Great Dane (who’s living on our boat), be the house-husband to my hot wife and work my ass off to improve my blog and website.  Sure, I’m what’s considered a “hobbyist” blogger; but I don’t want to be a professional (it’s gotta stay fun).  I mean, until now I have not had my own Facebook page or other social media,,,but that’s about to change as we try to ramp up the blog and website.  We’re going to connect the blog to a Facebook Professional site, start our own YouTube channel and continue to work through our Pinterest site.  I have a lot of energy, talent and experience to put into improving the blog and talking to others about doing the same thing that my family’s doing (selling most everything and moving onto a sailboat).   We’re going to start running a drone and learning to edit our GoPro videos for the YouTube channel and also put them into our blog posts.  We’ll always keep our blog, website and YouTube channel free, since we just like to bring the adventures to you via our own experiences.

Follow us on our ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME- 
Photo credit to Hot Wife

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16 Responses

  1. Congrats on your retirement and venturing off to your true passions. From what I’ve been following to date, you’ll rock this show.

    A personal side note; I miss our dog Lou; a Dane Weimaraner Mix. He was our boy; everybody’s boy. I am so grateful you keep Quincy in the mix of it all.

    1. Oh,,,I’m sorry about your dog,,,,but you’re funny. There’s no way she’s not in the mix, we’re breaking her into the boat and it’s a real show here- Also, would you consider adding us to your links please-

    1. Kerry, have not heard from you in awhile, welcome back, I hope all is ok. Thanks for the retirement note. I’m being dad till kids are back in school on the 14th of August and looking after the dog, head first into boat projects-
      Also, would you consider adding my site to your links?

      1. If you could bear with me, I could reblog one of your posts? I have neuropathy and depression; both of which are debilitating. The depression is getting better but struggling with physio that seems to be making it worse (and painful to use the computer).

      2. I went to PT yesterday and miraculously they tried a different tack which unpinched the nerve. No numbness today – yay! I looked at your blog last night and wondered if it would be okay to reblog your post on PTSD next week, or would you prefer a different one. I think that would resonate with my audience. K x

      3. Kerry, you can reblog any of my stuff and it would be a huge honor, you have a great audience. I have PTSD and live with it, but so does my family. It is what it is-
        Also, do your own research, but there’s been some progress with using Botox for nerve stuff.

      4. I will do that next week and it will be my honor, Chad. I have been reading about Botox and hear good stuff, Thank you!

      5. You’re welcome, sooo glad the PT did good things. My wife has chronic back and neck pain, so she goes to PT, chiropractor, neck extension ect

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