We're not smuggling anything, but we've found some unique storage space for our coir bricks.


Today as I’m writing this post, we STILL don’t have an engine in the boat (its been four {4} weeks since it was taken out) and our sails were shipped yesterday…so we’re still hoping to leave on 04 Nov.  With this in mind, we’ve started our initial provisioning of Tulum with a long-term trip in mind.  Our planning isn’t going into the commuter cruising model, the boat is our home and we’re planning to leave the US for some years…so we’re looking at what we need long term.  With this in mind…provisioning has started.  We actually started in May when we did our last trip to Paso de Robles and San Luis Obispo for someone’s birthday.  It was a productive trip….

Our priorities are straight-

But that was May…and this is late September.  Time to think through the important stuff….got the wine…now let’s think about poop.  That’s right, I said POOP.  We have (2) Air Head composting toilets.  The stuff that goes inside the solids (poop) tank is called Coir…and we need a new brick of it about every 2 weeks to a month.  Knowing it might be hard to get our favorite brand of in other places (Plantonix Coco Coir) in other places and we needed to stock up on it before we left, I bought some.  It turned out I bought a lot of it.

What the heck’s in this HUGE box?


Seriously, did they really pack 90 bricks of coir into one box?


Nope, we’re not smuggling anything…these are our coir bricks piled high in our room, waiting to be stored.

And in a weird twist of fate, I found room for all 90 bricks in a special place.  When we put in both of our composting heads, we didn’t actually take out our holding tanks, we just sanitized them.  This means we cut a large hole in the top of each tank, cleaned it and then sanitized it.  Wow, doing that made for a pretty shitty week, but we got through it and now we have two great storage spaces.  SO, in a weird twist of fate, the stern holding tank was a perfect fit for all 90 bricks of coir, which should last us several years.  I hope.

Stern holding tank with all 90 bricks of coir.

So if you’re heading to Baja Ha-Ha, don’t for get to start stocking up on the important stuff.  You can support this website and blog by following us or by buying Quincy some dog food on our Patreon link on the site-

Have a great weekend. 

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